Singing Guide: Anita O'Day

Singing Guide: Anita O'Day

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Anita O'Day's style and vocal technique are quintessential to jazz music.

Her unique singing approach involves rhythmic articulation, scatting, and improvisation.

Here is how you can develop a similar singing style like Anita O'Day:

  • Know Your Voice Type
  • Before you start your singing journey, it's necessary to know your voice type. You can determine your voice type with Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test, which compares your vocal range to famous singers. Understanding your voice range and vocal strength will help you select songs that suit your voice type.

  • Listen to Anita O'Day's Hit Songs
  • Listening to Anita O'Day is the first step in learning how to sing like her. Her best-known songs are "Let Me Off Uptown," "Sweet Georgia Brown," "Peel Me A Grape," "Boogie Blues," and "It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing)." By analyzing her performance, you can learn her unique style and incorporate it into your singing repertoire.

  • Practice Rhythmatic Articulation and Scatting
  • Anita O'Day had a distinctive style of singing that employed rhythmic articulation and scatting. To imitate her style, you need to practice articulating lyrics with clarity and maintaining the rhythm while improvising. Also, develop an ear for intervals between notes, so you can confidently improvise in your unique style.

  • Breath Control
  • Breathing is a crucial aspect of singing, and you need to master it to emulate Anita O'Day's style. Strong breath support will help you control your pitch and sing longer phrases. The Singing Carrots Pitch Training tool offers interactive exercises and warm-ups, and breathing techniques that will help you develop breath control.

  • Use Relevant Singing Carrots' Resources
  • Singing Carrots has a wealth of resources to help you develop your skills as a singer. Explore Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor, an online tool that uses audio recording to project your melody notes on a virtual piano keyboard. Also, the site's Songbook feature lets you search for songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference.

  • Sing on Stage
  • The ultimate goal of learning how to sing like Anita O'Day is to get on stage and perform. Practice performing with a microphone and get comfortable opening your mouth and throat while singing. Posture can also affect your singing, and Singing Carrots offers an educational resource, "How Posture Affects Your Singing," which will help you sing with the right posture.

Emulating Anita O'Day's unique style requires listening to her music, understanding your voice type, practicing rhythmic articulation and scatting, breathing control, and utilizing Singing Carrots' relevant resources. With these tips and the right resources in hand, you're on your way to becoming an exceptional Anita O'Day-inspired jazz vocalist.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.